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Cycling videos for a rainy (and cold) day pt2

The weather in southern Finland keeps serving sleet, snow, wind and rain. Take it as a chance for some cycling escapism and enjoy these curated videos from the internet.

I've been trying to understand road cycling and other professional sports by watching some good old road racing documentaries. My view of sports isn't really getting any more positive as time goes on, but I can still enjoy the drama and culture around pro cycling to some degree, especially if it is shown in warm toned film footage. In addition to the bit more relaxed, less professional atmosphere, I also think its just interesting to see how they use the bikes of the era: the clothes, the bikes, the riding style...

And who else would embody the classic road racing era than Eddy Mercxk, who is starring in many documentaries from the 1970s: The Stars and the Water Carriers

The Greatest Show on Earth

La Course en Tete

I also enjoyed the more contemporary Marco Pantani documentary "Accidental Death of a Cyclist".

A more grim example of the world of professional sport, but some of the romantic glow is still present in this last era of helmet-less road racing.

For some more realism there's this documentary on Beryl Burton, a more reflective piece made after her greatest success.

And for some Kaurismäki-esque Finnish melancholy, there are these two documentaries on Finnish racer Mauno Uusivirta. Great contrast to the jubilant, colourful and heroic figures of Pantani and Merckx: "Ei minun kohdallani se voittamisen tarve aina niin suuri ole". Really explains why Finland never had cycling champions!

Only watchable from Finnish IP-addresses I think.

Kilpapyöräilijä Suomen Turusta

Mauno Uusivirran viimeinen olympiadi

And lastly if racing gives you an allergic reaction here's some fun bicycle touring content that looks like you could go do it right now on the southern coast of Finland!

If you didn't see it yet, my earlier post about vintage cycling videos HERE

Enjoy the weather, have fun, stay warm


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